This page was established in 1996 and is dedicated to the sharing and collecting of information on the Madaris, Medearis, Medaris, McDaris, McDearis, Medaries & McDaries surnames. It is believed that every family with these spellings of their surname are related to the same original ancestor who first came to the US in the early to mid 1600’s. With this page and it’s links you should be able to make a connection to your entire US Ancestry.
Current Total Contributors: “289”
We Need Your Information!!
If you have information that is not seen on these pages, please send it to us for everyone to share.
The information on this site is a compilation of information, manuscripts and research of over 288 individual genealogist and contributors, who have donated their time and information to be shared by everyone. It is the philosophy of this site, that only by sharing in this way, will the Family History ever be compiled completely and accurately. Please use this site for research, but please do not abuse the generosity of those willing to share here. Any use of the information on this site for other than your personal use should be done only with the consent of the donating individuals and the owner of this site.
When submitting information please provide a list of sources and origin so the information can, if needed, be verified. Remember it is our mission to create an accurate and complete history. If the information you are contributing was the work of someone else, please give them proper credit.
When copying these pages, please keep in mind
This is a work in progress, and the information contained here may and likely will change as further research mandates. Therefore, you are asked to please do not submit this info to an Archives or Library just yet.
When viewing these pages please keep in mind that I am human and can and do make mistakes not only clerical but theoretical. I am open to constructive criticism and love a debate. If you see a misspelled word or incorrect listing, please let me know.
July 31, 2022. A lot of hot weather kept me inside and allowed me time to work on the pages. I have completed the rewrite of all of the lineage pages of the 5 brothers. I will not be recreating the cemetery pages, instead I am linking to Findagrave listings, it will save considerable time. Haven’t decided yet on recreating the census records. I do list under each family where they show in the census records. It is not complete but will be added over time. I will add an update section at the bottom of this page so you can see what changes and additions I have recently made.
How to find what you are looking for.
- To search this site, go the individual pages and use your browser search to find what you are looking for. To open search in your browser use “Ctrl + F”, and type in the search box that opens.
- Contact Me using the link above with your information and I should be able to direct you to your ancestors on this page.
Click on a link to go to the various pages of this site
This site is still under construction, check here for updates and new links to our story.
- The first page is our early history leading up to Domingo coming to this country.
- We Are The Children Of Domingo = Discusses our Genetics and DNA testing and what it says about earliest history.
- The First Four Generations – The origins of our family in the USA starting with Domingo
- Descendants of John Thomas 3 (Charles 2, Domingo 1)
- The Descendancy of Charles Medaris (4)
- The Descendancy of John Medearis (4)
- The Descendancy of Rice Medaris (4)
- The Descendancy of Massey Medearis (4)
- The Descendancy of Oliver Medearis (4)
- The Descendancy of Benjamine Medearis (4)
- Descendants of John Thomas 3 (Charles 2, Domingo 1)
- The Descendancy of John Maderas (4) (Charles 3, Charles 2, Domingo 1)
Contributors “Credits” To This Site
23 Feb 2024
- Updated Wilson Frank Medearis Jr. (7) (Wilson Frank 6, James Wilson 5, Benjamine 4)
18 Feb 2024
- Updated the children of James Wilson Medearis (5) (Benjamine 4)
12 Feb 2024
- Updated Leo Jefferson Medearis (8) (Oscar H. 7, William Jefferson 6, John 5, Charles 5)
- Updated the children of Prior Medaris (6) (Stephen 5, Charles 4)
11 Feb 2024
- Updated the family of Haywood Madaris (7) (Thomas 6, John 5, Charles 4)
- Updated the family of Sarah Hicks Medearis (6) (George W.D. 5, John 4)
- Updated the family of William Porter Madaris (10) Thomas W. 9, William Alfred 8, William Fletcher 7, Thomas 6, John 5, Charles 4)
06 Aug 2023
- Updated the family of William Wilburn Medaris (7) Robert Notion 6, John 5, Rice 4)
30 Aug 2022
- Started updating the family of Charles W. Medaris (6) (James Andrew 5, Rice 4)
09 Aug 2022
- Added the Descendancy of John Maderas (4) He is descended from Charles 3 (Charles 2, Domingo 1) He has a short line that seems to fade out by the early 1800’s. But research will continue to see if more can be found.
- I also found the will of Sarah Medaris Lewis (6) (Thomas 5, Charles 4) and she confirms that Dr. John W. Medaris was indeed her brother, confirming the change I made on the 7th of Aug was correct.
- Updated the information for James Douglas Medaris (6) (James Davis 5, Oliver 4)
- Updated John Wesley Medearis (5) (Massey 4)
07 Aug 2022
Moved John W. Medaris (6) b. 22 Oct 1814 from William (5) (Charles 4) to Thomas (5) (Charles 4). This change was made after finding a death certificate for John W. which states his parents were Thomas Medaris and Melinda Sanders. We have Thomas married to Nancy Sanders, and it is supported by the will of Nahum Sanders. This must suggest that Nancy’s name was Nancy Melinda Sanders. No other Thomas could possibly be the father of John. The interesting issue is that we already have a John in the listing for Thomas, as his first born, so this makes two John’s which is unusual. It may be the younger John is misplaced and further research is in progress to try and solve this riddle.